The real Ukraine

See also: (When in Ukraine, use VPN, e.g. for Android phones/tablets you can use turbo VPN, as the politicians decided in their wisdom to block VK there as it's a Russian site... hmm, and use what instead, the other abonimable social site? (with book in the name) No thanks.)

People in Ukraine may not see and understand why I like it in Ukraine (likely caused by the difficulties of life here, especially low wages) and possibly that's why I've had almost no response in detail, to my question on what life is really like in Ukraine (in money issues, stray animals, behaviour of men towards women, everything) and so I will combine my question with some more information:
I like Ukraine a lot more than the Netherlands but for Ukrainians a big issue is most of all money. Why are wages low? Why did the value of the UAH drop after the Russian invasion of Crimea and their destabilisation of Ukraine? This resulted in Ukrainians feeling more patriotic but likely not seeing what I see because life has become even more difficult here. The large difference in behaviour of Ukrainians (many are open and interested in talking about life when talking in person, such as on the train, but quite a few others are totally disinterested) is likely caused by the difficulties in life... Now see this summary of what I like and dislike in Ukraine

What I like and dislike in/about Ukraine.

Another important topic is how men behave towards women. Several women told me men are rather crude in behaviour towards women and curiously there is a reverse situation in NL and possibly entire western Europe where women actually prefer that in a man. Why is that? A topic to be analysed... I'd like to hear more on the situation in Ukraine...

I am working on finishing my project of 2 books (I'm also working on a project in bicycle lighting): The 1st is philosophical and humorous, the 2nd is critical and psychological. I want to make people see life differently...

An idea for a possible future project came few months ago, after I read Dutch book about Ukraine, which is voyeuristic, accusing and not representative of the real Ukrainians, and which is even psychopathic in style (which means: rules are more important than people, forcing opinions onto others, not understanding other people, and there is more). I wrote a review of that Dutch book here:

My review of a recent dutch book on Ukraine

After reading that book, I thought it would be a good idea to write a book about "The real Ukraine". I talked with a few people in Korosten about my idea for such a book about the real Ukraine, and since then I'm more active in trying to get more input for this from various people. I'm interested in the views of people living in Ukraine for their views on what is good and bad in Ukraine, and on what life is really like. But as I am a searcher for the truth, the different views and my views will get compared and analysed so I propose for those who want to contribute: you write your view -> I give comments -> you reply to that.

If, after having read all this and having read my book review, you want to contribute, send me a message...
(I propose any sales to be shared between all contributors, free distribution would also be possible as an e-book, this is all to be decided, send me your comments! Whichever of these it will be, I think free publication of some parts of the views/comments on my website would be useful)

You send me a message in English or German, or Russian/Ukrainian, preferably in your native language. Contributions can be made anonymous for anything published/put on the web.

Last modified: CEST 2017-9-24