Humour: Better soap operas

This is a translation of the Dutch original that I sent in June 2007 to some makers of Dutch Soap operas, that you might find interesting :) One of such soap series is called 'Westwind', another 'On the way to tomorrow'.

Header of the original email:

Betere soap series
"W.Scholten" <>
Wed, 04 Apr 2007 02:42:11 +0200

[ translated from Dutch: ]

Dear makers of 'Headwind', 'On the way to oblivion' and whatever other soap series. Unfortunately I occasionally see some of these series at the house of a person I regularly visit. These series are probably only suitable for/made for women, and something should be done to make these series watchable for men. I then thought of this:

- All 'actors' should wear paper bags over their heads while 'acting'. Yes, 'actors' because they can't really act. You can do a lot of fun stuff with those bags: You can draw hair/glasses/moustache etc. on them and you can quickly change it. So you don't need to wait for hair to grow back if someone should shave his head bald for a certain scene. Another advantage of those paper bags is that you can draw all emotions on them and show if someone is good/bad (angel's wreath, devil horns, mouth corners pointing up/down to show happyness/sadness).

This is an advantage because those 'actors' can't show these emotions (even without the paper bag). This even looks a bit like plays as performed in ancient Greece, where the players wore masks, so who knows, it might even draw a large part of a well educated audience.

- All women from 18 to say 40 years old should walk around either nude or in underwear (I prefer underwear, that's more interesting). That's all these 'actresses' (again in quotations for the same reason as with the 'actors') are worth watching for I think.

- Story line: Dismiss those script writers and just get an average castle novel (*). That can only be an improvement.

I hope to have given you a view of a possible future of superior soap-operas with these suggestions!

In advance my thanks for incorporating my suggestions in these series!

Yours sincerely,

Wouter Scholten

So, I changed the titles into negative ones: headwind = bad (e.g. for cycling), and instead of the title being towards tomorrow I make the other one a title about being soon forgotten ;-)

(*) The translation of the Dutch 'kasteelroman' is hard, 'castle novel' is probably wrong. It is a superficial romantic book for women, apparantly a continuation of older 'gothic novels'. So "prince finds princess" type stories :)

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