Russia vs. Ukraine war: Why Russia destroyed the Nordstream pipelines

Some weeks after the Nordstream pipelines were blown up I was thinking about it. It happened end of September while I was in Kharkov (UA). Finally written down 2023-3-8. I placed a comment describing it on this day as well with a video of DW news on youtube (but seeing how much ghosting there is there, I don't know whether you will see that comment.

There were many theories as to who blew them up, but I didn't see the most logical ones:

Reasons why I think Russia could have blown up the nordstream pipelines

  1. I had the following theory, I think it was end of October (4-5 weeks after the explosions): Russia did it as a way to make it more difficult for people who want to return to business as usual (after withrdawing from Ukraine, and paying for damages) thinking to overthrow putin. Putin's position was already weak at that time, and so I felt that a likely reason for him was to make it more difficult for such types of people and thus decreasing the chances of a coup, as a quick return to selling gas to pay for damages would be impossible.
  2. Then a few weeks later putin made a remark that gas deliveries could be resumed, via Nordstream 2, under some conditions. This made me think another reason for blowing up the pipelines by Russia could be to 'stick it to the west' by making gas deliveries possible but ONLY via Nordstream 2, which the western countries had said would never get into operation because of RuZZia's actions. This makes sense to do for putin because he is a psychopath, thus he likes to assert dominance, push through his wishes, and the west having to use Nordstream 2 would be a win for his ego.

These 2 goals combine together so it could be either or both reasons that they blew up those piplines.

Further, Russia of course has the resources to do this, and the resources to put incriminating 'evidence' near there or even in the construction of the bomb, to point towards the party that they want to blame...

Reasons for others to blow up the pipelines, which I think are unlikely

Other reasons for blowing up the pipelines, by any parties who might have an interest to blow up the pipelines are extremely unlikely. However: There are people who act irrationally, emotionally (including men, the view that men are rational and women emotional is wrong, which I analysed elsewhere), so it is possible. Note that an emotional or illogical reason is very unlikely for a country, a crazy reason, yes, that is possible in case of Russia, but an emotional or illogical reason, not really.

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