A brief psychological analysis (2023-7-1): Anatomy of another blockhead, 'shunyamurti'/Robert Shubow

With a video on the war started by Russia, on the "Times radio" youtube channel, called "Russia's Brutal Power Struggle Explained: What will Putin do next?" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qdn4R06Ba8 27 June 2023) I read a comment referring to video 1 below, that Ukraine would lose the war, from a 'spiritual teacher'. I thought it was a comment by a ruble collector, but I had a look at the video (also on 27 June 2023) and then my view was that possibly the commenter was someone who was interested in meditation and similar topics. He removed his comment after I replied after watching the video, in which I stated that that video was poor already regarding the discussion of the ego, and the rest about the war in Ukraine was complete nonsense, and this makes my 2nd view of what he was more likely as a ruble collector would not remove the comment but use the information in it to guide people to that source as a confirmation of what they state all the time, i.e. that Russia is winning. Which it is not, of course.

The youtube channel by or for this guy is "Sat Yoga Institute" and in the description is stated:

This channel is an introductory portal into the transformational teachings of Shunyamurti.


Sat Yoga Institute, based in Costa Rica, is an ashram, retreat center, and spiritual community, guided by the profound teachings and presence of Shunyamurti. It is a place to study, to heal, to meditate, it is a place to realize your highest potential.

Spoiler alert: If you follow this guy, you will not realise any potential!

So I watched the 1st video first, but I will start with some comments about video 2 which was 'recommended' by youtube, you know how that works.

Video 2: "Will the Hegemon Play its Last Card? - Special State of the World Teaching from Shunyamurti" (8 June 2023)

"Will the Hegemon Play its Last Card? - Special State of the World Teaching from Shunyamurti" (8 June 2023). WARNING! This guy is nuttier than a fruitcake, you might lose some brain cells!

This guy has a hat on, that makes you think of workers' hats from long ago, or as someone writes in the comments a hat like that of Lenin. The first thing that I notice that stands out is something else, not his appearance but that he says "and I'm wearing a different hat. figuratively but I suppose also physically". There is no supposing about it! He has a different physical hat on. Even if it he said something wrong, I would say something like "no that was not correct, there is no supposing". He had plenty of time to think, as he was speaking slowly, but he didn't correct himself. The second thing I noticed is that in the first 3 or so minutes, he talks but says almost nothing. Such people are annoying, they don't seem to have a proper train of thought that they express, or something. How this works is perhaps something I will analyse at some point, could be interesting. Then the rest is a talk that is complete insanity!

He starts with the asassination of J. Kennedy in 1963 then going on to the attack on the twin towers., talking about 'deep state' (so, he is a conspiracy believer).

6:35 : Talking about "a very successful movement of dedollarisation" (a ruble collector talking point) and at 6:48 about BRICS nations and their 'alternative currency' (another ruble collector talking point), and that trade in the dollar is dropping and that "in the near future the dollar will lose its stature or status as a reserve currency".

Then follows some conspiracy theory of the USA 'taking out' countries that were resisting the 'hegemony of the dollar and the empire'.

10:05 : Here we get to a point from all that he says is complete insanity: "And so it has led to the NATO backed war of Ukraine against Russia". Uh, it is a war by Russia against Ukraine, no the other way around, and the latter was at first rather reticently supported and still not supported enough by NATO, you insufferable muppet!

10:15 : "And at this point it is very clear to everyone who sees what's going on that Ukraine has lost strategically and will soon not exist.", uhm, no, it is in fact clear that Russia has lost, you fruitcake!

10:30 : "Its army has been completely destroyed and depleted, its whole population, especially of males of fighting age I suppose, but they are getting people off the streets now who are 10, 11 years old or 70 or 80 years old and putting uniforms and sending them in to die, but their ability to maintain that has now reached its end": This is COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT!

11:20 : "the US weapons and all of NATO's weapons have proven to be inferior to those of Russia". Again, complete and utter bullshit, Russian weapons are clearly inferior to NATO weapons.

11:39: "And so we have seen a shift of alliances away from the west by most of the countries of the south toward Russia and China". No we haven't, just some who want to assert themselves, who have never been anything but followers and for example India had bought Russian military equipment so they can delude themselves, or get with the program...

11:53 : "The battle for that influence is still going on but the outcome is absolutely clear, that the west is on the losing side of this, and none of their sanctions on Russia have had a negative effect on Russia but they have bankrupted Europe." Again, complete BS, nobody in the EU is bankrupt, whereas Russia is in a huge deficit and will run out of money...

11:19 : "They have therefore triggered what is now happening throughout Europe, especially Germany and France, of an uprising of the population against the governing elites, who are the vassal subordinates of the western empire". There were some energy protests but for months already there are no significant protests related to these topics.

Most of the comments are positive, but there are a few dissenters:

3 weeks ago
With all due respect. must be joking to suggest that BRICS are any better or less corrupt than the West in any way, shape or form. Also, Ukraine is definitely not the losing side.

3 weeks ago
the guy doesn't have a clue. Which makes his 'class' all of sudden very doubtful. But then again, never look up, follow, worship any other human being.


3 weeks ago
Where are you getting your information about the war generally? In particular to the statement that the US and Nato weapons have proven inferior? Thats new information Ive never heard anyone say before, the rest of the dialoge seems on point with general knowledge.

1 day ago
Probably from a ruzzian propaganda channel such as 'russia today'. It is complete nonsense and I think I know why he follows such 'sources'.

Video 1: "Did Putin Just Buy Us a Reprieve from Nuclear Holocaust? ~ Special Shunyamurti Teaching" (25 June 2023)

It starts with the ego, losing it to then regain it in order to be happy in life. In reality what is important is to be a truth seeker, but 'losing' the ego also means searching for the truth rather than affirmation of your views and therefore the 'ego' by showing and searching for confirmation that your views are correct. You can see this in action on my bicycle site, in emails from people whining about flashing lights being necessary and that vibrations in dynamo hubs are as with the Schmidt SON28 are normal. Both are incorrect, such people are not truth seekers but they want to see their views confirmed to boost their ego.

Losing the ego is a topic in any stream that is about meditation, enlightenment, etc. and so there is enough to draw from that he can talk about but from his talk, what he has actually mastered of this becomes clear. And that is: Not much...

I was not impressed with this section, and I thought back to many instances in self-help books (which is what his videos and anything on meditation essentially are even though the slant is different), where I noticed that they could not explain properly what they meant, in talks or in their writings. I saw this especially clearly in the book "Huh?" by Berthold Gunster where he gives a talk (coincidentally in Ukraine) about what is useful in life, people didn't properly understand and I saw that Gunster understood it just about enough to realise it himself, but not good enough to explain it to others... This is the same difference as understanding something when a teacher explains something, and explaining it yourself to someone, which is a lot harder. For that you need more background knowledge to understand all the steps and why alternative steps/directions don't work.

At 21:00 the section in which he starts to describe the Russia-Ukraine war, well, at first he talks about the ego and wishful thinking about not being able to see correctly the future because of that, but that is exactly his problem! So he tries to show that the ego issue can be seen in the 'real world' and in a way he is correct: He shows this problem in that because he has not outgrown the ego, he has wishes, he is not a truth seeker, which makes it that he shows that problem of the ego in his lecture by showing us his delusions! ;-) This is thus instead of showing us the wishes and ego stroking of people in 'the real world' that cause what is going on! Note that there is definitely ego issues causing the war in Ukraine, and it is the ego issues of putin and his cronies but this 'Shunyamurti' doesn't mention that, of course.

23:49 : "We've just been treated to a wonderful little ride over the last 24 48 hours who were watching with baited breath this performance that was going on" : He is talking about the actions by Prigozhin, who wanted to capture Shoigu and Gerasimov who were in Rostov on Don.

24:00: "It was the most brilliant military ruse I think that was ever put over by any military national organisation": No it wasn't.

24:14 : "Napoleon didn't manage this, Hitler, Stalin, Clausewitz, even Sun Tzu would have bowed I think to putin over this one.": No, 'Shunyamurti' is the one who gets fooled, and it is by himself, namely because of his own wishful thinking...

24:35 : "So let's go back to the original understanding of what was happening this week, because most of the commentators that I've checked online still don't get it, and they were all fooled, even the ones who should have known better, were all fooled by this. So let's go back an see how it must have unfolded knowing that the Russians have incredible intelligence gathering capacities, not just human intelligence, they have much better than the west has on Russia but also the cyber hacking and satellite spying and all kinds of managing to infiltrate and pick up the messages that are being secretly sent among the enemy without them knowing that you picked it up. That's the basic job of the intelligence division, right?". No, the Russians are demonstrably incompetent at just about everything as shown by this war, including at 'intelligence'...

25:00 : "So the Russians clearly knew months ago that the west was planning to use this air defender war game as a possibility of making it go live and then doing this all-out air invasion of Russia and hoping to wipe them out in a first strike by a surprise attack, and Russia clearly knew this already because they had to plan this months ahead and bring this whole exercise into being and prepare all the vassal states to be ready and to refurbish jet planes etc. so a huge logistical process was underway and they were able to detect all of it.": This is total fantasy and has nothing to do with reality.

26:33 : "So what they did was they created a new Richard III, named Prigozhin, and first they make him this heroic warrior hero, but then you see gradually he gets more and more unhappy with the bosses in the military and ministry of defence and eventually he's coming out and calling them the worst names possible, you know, nobody does this and gets away with it in any army, but he gets away with it, well, because he's a hero and he's indispensable, and we can't do without him, right? and all of that, so he gets away with the most insulting statements and accusations, we're not getting any ammo, you're not defending us and the later there's even a crazy general who put mines behind us so we can't retreat, and then you even bombed our people, right?, so it gets higher and higher levels of antagonism to the Russian government and he builds up his credibility as somebody who might be turned, right?, to change sides, because he's so angry, and he's got so much power, because he's leading this invincible wagner force, you know, that is all conquering. So, when he's in Bakhmut, fighting this battle, he's collecting a lot of prisoners of war, some that he's actually capturing from their positions and command posts that are been surrounded, others who are simply surrendering and voluntarily and wanting to be out of it.": He's using the views of russian propagandists again who make up insane stories all the time, and they are always shown to be false!

28:33 : "So he's got a huge group of prisoners some of whom are probably very high NATO officers [ No, that is again complete fantasy ] , they're probably Brits or Germans, right? [ wrong ], and so he calls the highest officer in and says 'I'm going to let you go back to NATO command, I'm going to sneak you out of here but I want you to give this letter to the high mucky muck who's making the decisions and the letter says 'I'm willing to change sides, I can lead a coup against Russia, I can win it I'm sure if you'll give me the backing then I'll do it' and they say of course 'well, prove it, do it' and he says 'ok but it'll take me time and I can't do it until about the last day of your air exercise', right? [ wrong ], so now they are waiting to see do we go, do we do this world war 3 attack that might actually lose and we all die or do we hope that our, you know, most cherished wet dream [ using these words shows you that 'Shunyamurti' is a low awareness individual ] that Russia will come apart, and uh you know [ No, I don't know ], there will be a coup and somebody will take over who will surrender and will split Russia up into different blocks and we'll get all the wealth, and we win, you know, and then we defeat China after that, right? So here's the opportunity, right? there are, I'm sure they are all salivating over this, and saying 'go for it' and so on that last day but right at the end of their opportunity, to go live, yes the coup is on, the evidence comes in and there's even fake news 'Lukashenko has fled from Belarus, Putin has fled, they don't know where he is, airplanes are being shot down and helicopters, all, it's all fake, but they believe it because Russia controls the space and Wagner's troops come in and conquer all of Rostov, you know, they occupy this Russian city, you know [ everyone knew ], and now they are moving to Voronezh, and their convoy is going up to Moscow, oh my God, and then you see putin giving this, I've never seen putin like this, a brilliant performance, he actually looks scared, like we don't know what's going to happen, but treason is really bad, you know, and we've got to stop this, I mean they could have bombed him in 2 seconds anywhere [ except that the plane and helicopters they sent out were shot down! ], they know where he is, they have precision missiles, they bomb the leaders of the Ukrainian army already [ false, they send missiles to hospital, schools, power stations ]. They can't bomb this guy? No, no, we can't touch him, you know, and then you get former prime ministers and others from Russia saying, 'we don't know what's going to happen but probably he's going to end up taking over the government', you know, and all of these rumours are put out and NATO people are going 'yes, yes', they let the exercise end, and you know the planes them have to fly back to their bases and they lost their opportunity to do this, and in the mean time, under the cover of this, he's moving all troops into total readiness so that if there is an attack, they will now be able to knock down all the planes and win possibly a world war 3 even though putin doesn't want to fight it, but they're ready and in addition they moved under the cover of this anti-Prigozhin thing more and more troops to the border of Ukraine so that now they are ready to do the big blitzkrieg and I would bet in the next couple of days they enter Ukraine from Belarus, from Russia, from Donbass, from all over and they end this thing [ I will take this bet, and I extend it by 2 weeks! At the time of watching., 2023-6-27, i.e. 2 days after it was published, I already knew that his prediction is bullshit! They can't just enter Ukraine from Belarus, the access roads and forests have been mined and by planes they will get shot down... ]. and the west has lost its opportunity and they're in shock with egg on their face and they got taken. So it's a brilliant performance and it gives us a reprieve from the end of the world, so we owe that to putin [ We owe nothing to putin you demented muppet! ] (transcription up to 30:40, I won't deal with the rest which you can watch on his website, see further on).":
Comments: This guy Shunyamurti is completely batshit insane! He is also a low awareness person from using e.g. the expression 'wet dream' i.e. talking about something sexual. He further uses 'you know' and 'right?' very often which is indicative of a poor ability to properly express himself. Well, actually that is for 'you know' or possibly for 'right?' separately, but seeing how many times he uses them, the use of 'right?' is more like manipulation, to make you agree with him subconsciously (doesn't work on all people, with me such 'tactics' just annoy me even without thinking about it). This is why above I highlighted 'you know' in green and 'right?' in red. There is a clear explanation for the date of Prigozhin's actions being as they were, if you need one beyond coincidence: The NATO exercise takes away attention of all security forces, from internal issues to external issues that might cause internal issues, so in fact if this time was not coincidental, then it was Prigozhin who chose the time for that reason. However, the important issue for Prigozhin was this: The guys whom Prigozhin criticised most of all, Gerasimov and Shoigu, were at a specific date/time in Rostov on Don, close to where he was, so he could grab them and demand their resignation (but they fled from Rostov on Don and this plan failed, which is why Progozhin then set forth towards Moscow, however that would likely not end well and so he was persuaded to stop).

What is also interesting is that this guy 'Shunyamurti' is almost expressionless, not as bad as Rajneesh/Bhagwan/Osho (who was a psychopath), but he gets excited, with corresponding facial expressions, when telling this bullshit story. This indicates that the prospect of what he wants to become true gets him excited.
This shows even more what a nutjob this guy is!

The end of the video is cut off, someone asks about this and he refers to his website, on which you can watch the whole video and where he mentions censoring. Well, you can state that Ruzzia will will on youtube, so that is nonsense. There are plenty of pro-ruZzian progaganda channels out there (such as "iEarlGrey", "The dive with Jackson hinkle", "Hindustan times", etc. where you will find propagandists such as Douglas McGregor (some american fruitcake), Scott Ritter (another american fruitcake), and pro-Russians like Paul Lancaster (who lived in the Donbass and made videos from there, no idea what happened since the invasion).

The comment about the end + reply is:

6 days ago
Video was cut in the end 😔

7 days ago
We could not post the final five minutes on YouTube. Watch the full uncensored teaching on our website https://www.satyoga.org/blog/putin/

On that site you can read a reply to a comment that states:

Shunyamurti’s reply: As you no doubt know, we the people have lost our formerly inalienable right to free speech. There are many topics that can no longer be discussed publicly without one being canceled, de-platformed, or worse, sued into bankruptcy.

That is just nonsense, youtube doesn't care if you say Russia will win, as shown by the many ruble collectors posting nonsense comments and the pro-Russian propaganda channels. Nothing in the last 5 minutes of the video necessitates taking that out for the sake of youtube guidelines.

Note that you can also watch it on bitchute: Did Putin Just Buy Us a Reprieve from Nuclear Holocaust? ~ Special Shunyamurti Teaching https://www.bitchute.com/video/qboW6Etoka0S/.

More to come, in progress.

I commented:

3 days ago
Shunyamurti doesn't know what he is talking about. His start was already a pretty poor talk about the ego, then he goes to insanity talking about things happening in Ukraine and RuZzia that he just imagines. It is complete nonsense.

Another comment:

6 days ago (edited)
This teaching won't age well ...

4 days ago
@Gawillamon : he is right Ivan, this 'teaching' will be shown to be complete nonsense.

Note that Gawillamon's comment was removed (likely by himself), but I have it in a screenshot: He wrote:
"Lay off the Mainstream Mockingbird Media, David. It's washing your brain."

Another comment, about his predictions which are similar to those from the youtube channel 'military summary', which is run by a Belarussian nutjob whom I criticised in some of my videos on, and from, Ukraine, to which I made a reply:

6 days ago
Dima from Military Summary channel is on the same page as Shunyamurti regarding ww3😁

4 days ago
military summary = 1) anti social propagandist, and 2) a moron.

The answer to the question "Did Putin Just Buy Us a Reprieve from Nuclear Holocaust?" is of course "No", as putin is the only one who wants a war, so he cannot be the one who gives a reprieve, as he causes everything...

My estimation of this guy "shunyamurti"

This guy "Shunyamurti is quite possibly a narcissist who set up his courses, and ashram, to be worshipped, a bit like the psychopath Keith Raniere, who set up the cult NXIVM.

Why does this guy 'Shunyamurti' follow Russian lies and propaganda?

I commented about a possible reason to someone in the youtube comments, regarding an English guy with a seemingly Greek name, "Alexander Mercouris". He stated in the youtube comments of the video Suchomimus: "Lancet Loitering Drone Hits a DECOY 2S1 Gvozdika" that he found it impossible to understand about why he and the commenters would be pro russian. Implicitly he asked a question and his statement and my response as to a possible explanation, are in the responses to the first comment, which is just about a decoy target:

@bgregg55 : That's a very detailed decoy. If they covered them with more brush, they could probably make due with much cruder versions that could be field-assembled.:

So now we come to the interesting bit, starting with the statement (with implicit question) about Mercouris and those who are anti-Ukrainian there:


Most of the frame from that still shot looks like it survived and it might be able to be reused again. Over at the British born Pro Russian channel of Alexander Mercouris, all the Ukrainian haters are loudly cheering and celebrating Russia's complete defeat of the counter-offensive. It's all over if you read their comments. I find them to be hilariously delusional but tragic at the same time. They have an extreme level of hatred for Ukraine that is impossible to understand.


​ @jasonx-ray3921 : I think it is a problem with authority, not liking your government, seeing a few things (in e.g. policies that are important to them) ruZzia does better, then hoping they will set an example and thus they want ruZzia to win. Similar in some sense to sovereign citizens who also hate their own government and don't want to pay road tax, insurance nor see the need for a driving license (but they will collect welfare checks from that government).


@WHS_reviews Thank you for your fresh perspective. You gave me something totally new to think over and consider instead of the old, tired trite responses.


@Jason X-ray : You are welcome. There are other options that are more crass such as seeking an audience, for on youtube/subscriptions/their own website, in which case the people they would attract are the types I described (problem with authority). These people creating just for the sake of getting to a niche audience that is not catered to by the mainstream media is possibly true for e.g. iearlgray, hindustantimes, "The dive with Jackson hinkle" etc. You can decide which it is by analysing their personality, which I've not done yet properly in all cases of pro-ruZzian channels but these are all on my list to analyse...

From his talk about dedollarisation, BRICS, the capitalistic system in the USA, putting on a hat taking him back to the USSR, I think that it is similar to my guess about "Alexander Mercouris" (I will look into him later) in that this guy sees something he likes in Russia, or he sees too much of what he dislikes in the USA and then wants something alternative, and he thinks Russia and these BRICS countries are that alternative, but he disregards reality and is talking total bullshit by regurgitating Russian propaganda. This tells you that he is not a truth seeker, and this is a not a small issue, it is not an error of judgement, but he doesn't seek the truth AT ALL! The evidence to disprove all the Russian lies and nonsense is abundant and available everywhere. This behaviour by Russia has been going on at least since 2014 when the Russians put out lie after lie about what the Ukrainians did in the Donbass and the shooting down of MH17 which was done by Russian military that was active in Ukraine but the Russians tried to put it the other way with incessant lies and using fake photos or photos from different events, which were all quickly debunked on VK by Ukrainians.

I suspect that "Alexander Mercouris" is likely someone who dislikes the woke BS going on in the UK and USA, and that 'Shunyamurti' likely has an ideal version of Russia as it might have been from the time of the Soviet union in mind. This means he is not looking for the truth, and thus he is looking for confirmation that his wishes (of change to the major capitalistic influence in the world, which is western Europe and the USA) will come true.

Even without examining specific evidence, you simply know which evidence is fake, from the writing style in statements and behaviour of the Russians and how this 'evidence' is presented. You can use your knowledge of people in seeing the anti-social tendencies of those who make claims (you can feel the personality of people through the texts they write, you can feel it when people are emotion poor (autistic), or anti-social, or know-it-alls, etc. if you have some knowledge of people. Secondly, searching for inconsistencies and statements that don't make sense at all will add to this and make you realise the Russians are lying ALL THE TIME. This guy doesn't know that, which he should immediately realise if he understood the topics he talks about in more than a superficial manner. Therefore I conclude that 'Shunyamurti' (I will go into this assuming of different names at some point), is absolutely not a truth seeker, and has only a superficial grasp of the topics he talks about. He is similar to Rajneesh/Bhagwan/Osho in being a dangerous destructive influence. Well, to put it in perspective: Rajneesh/Bhagwan/Osho was a psychopath/narcissist and far more dangerous.

Something else that might be interesting: I showed a bit of these 2 videos to a relative and she said: "He looks to be wearing simple (cheap) clothes, but in fact wears expensive clothes...". I don't take much notice of clothes, but from watching another video in which he was wearing a linnen shirt but over that a bit shiny, possibly satin, I thought "I think she is right!".

2023-7-6: My thoughts about this guy from watching the 2 videos and how/why I felt 'Shunyamurti' is a narcissist

I will tell you my thoughts about him in order:
- Start, first video I watched and first I heard of this guy: video 1: His story about the ego is standard fare for meditation, buddhism etc, but not well explained by him. I saw here that he doesn't have this mastered, otherwise he would have told it differently. Then comes insanity about the war in Russia, which is easy to disprove.
I mostly had this guy figured out at this point.
- Watching video 2 made what I thought already certain because of 1) the first 3 minutes or so he talks but says nothing (which indicates a bullshitter or someone not coming to specific points), then 2) he gets to a point where what he says is complete insanity, such as saying that there are 10-11 year old children and 70+ year old men, in the Ukrainian army.

It is easy to debunk the Russian lies, so why doesn't he do that? Well, this shows that he is not a truth seeker, and thus he has not lost his ego, he seeks to support his views/wishes and he finds that in Russian propaganda channels. He is not a truth seeker at all because the truth here is so easy to find about this topic.

But if he is not a truth seeker about such large important topics, why does he have a commune and teach about spirituality?

There is really only 1 possibility: He is a narcissist who needs people to stroke his ego.

From this I then realised he is dangerous, because he can influence people and he does that while putting out nonsense about certain topics.

Note that only after having written down all that I searched a bit online and found 2 websites with comments about 'Shunyamurti' which thus didn't form my views, they only confirmed my views.

Addition, 2023-7-5: Other websites

1: www.satyoga.exposed

See also the site https://www.satyoga.exposed/shunyamurti where there is a lot of criticism about his behaviour.

One of the criticism in the comments on that page there is that he asks money for courses, but I don't think asking money for lessons is bad. This is a criticism I've seen about Sadhguru as well, but everyone needs money to live so it would need more evidence to state Sadhguru is using people..

[ I will add a page on Sadhguru, not because he's a fraud, but just to state a few things that make it clear he is not enlightened for those who are curious, which I know because of not proper responses to questions, or views about some topics, that I can simply reason out to be incorrect. ]

Someone replied to me regarding a comment I made with a video in which Sadhguru talks about Rajneesh/Baghwan/Osho, and he said that Rajneesh never asked for money but Sadhguru does. With the implication that asking for money is bad. Well, no, that is irrelevant. The reason why Rajneesh didn't ask for money is clear: Rajneesh was a psychopathic narcissict, or I can call it a psychopathic superiorist. Such a person feels superior, doesn't care about people and this combination means he creates problems (as he did at university and in society) because of not accepting any authority unless forced, and he will go to that point, where he is forced to leave (see: at university, the ashram in Pune which he left suddenly when the tax free status was removed, in the USA he tried to flee when he and Sheela and others were going to be arrested for the crimes they committed in the USA). The way it started was this: He just got into a situation where people followed him and gave him presents because in the 1970s people in Europe and the USA were looking for wisdom and so by 'luck' he ended up in this position of people looking for 'enlightened persons' (which Rajneesh wasn't). You see the same with Keith Raniere (NXIVM) who I think is a manipulative psychopathic narcissist (i.e. a manipulative psychopathic superiorist). The narcissism/superiorism with Rajneesh comes from an inferiority complex, with Raniere it is possibly not actually narcissism but simply thinking to be better than everyone else because supposedly he got the highest IQ score ever (which he didn't). Raniere also got into a situation by accident by meeting the right people, and his previous work in scheming in a consumer group that he set up likely made him see the methods and at the same time get well versed in manipulation.

On that site you can read also experiences of people who lived there that confirm (if these stories are true) what a piece of shit this 'Shunyamurti'/Robert Shubow is. What is stated there says:
- He is indeed a narcissist, as I already surmised after analysing 2 videos by him. He apparently broke up marriages to get at money, he is a manipulator and he claims to have studied psychology.

[ Oh, what a surprise. I analysed a lot of psychologists and psychiatrists, and in meetings, from phone calls, from videos on youtube, from books written by such people, from research written by such people, from comments and replies by such people to my comments and:
1) all of them are incompetent
2) most of them are either mentally unstable or anti-social (from narcissist to psychopath). Such people are attracted to this field! ]

- He lives on a piece of land with house paid for by his followers, who also pay for a lavish lifestyle. This confirms what my relative felt, that he pretended to live a simple life but actually wears expensive clothes, so he is a faker as my relative saw immediately from his clothes/style.

Some people state he is very intelligent, has a lot of knowledge, well, I see a moron in 'Shunyamurti'. His 'lectures' do not hold up to showing proper insight beyond having read something and then regurgitating it. His story about losing the ego in video 1 was already pathetic, it needs explanation to make people understand by reasoning why certain things make sense, and then they can absorb it as a feeling. There is a very important connection between reasoning and feeling, but I won't get into that here, I will just state that people who only advocate feeling/experience are wrong, already because you need to address people in various stages of awareness and interest...

Addition 2023-7-7: I said to my relative that according to this website she was right about the clothes, and pretending to live a simple life, because Shunamurti lives a lavish lifetstyle paid for by his followers. She then said: "I knew it immediately from the way he talks".

2 www.actualized.org

See: p5 of a discussion about shunyamurti, on actualized.org, the experiences of 'yannick'

More to come, in progress.

2023-7-7: Coincidentally, youtube 'suggested' a video by a Mooji whatever, eh, wait a minute, that name seemed familiar, was it in the thread of the previous site? I checked and yes, 'RedLine' says (on p.5):

The same story again and again, Osho, Da Free Jones, Mooji, etc, etc. People never learn the lesson.
This kind of 1 spiritual leader societies are problematic by its own nature.

I found videos from a guy called Moojiji, the channel has comments turned off for the videos that I checked. Not going to watch any then. I don't watch videos that have the comments turned off, as comments are essential as criticism or just additional information, for any topic. It points to a person who cannot handle criticism, and I'm not interested in such people/such youtube channels. Oh, wait, another channel has videos with this guy where he is called Mooji and where comments are possible, does one channel copy videos from the other channel? Perhaps I will look into this guy at a later date.

Never heard of "Da Free Jones" but the name already doesn't sound promising...

Searching a bit, it is "Da Free John", and he took on another name "Adi da". No comments possible with the videos, i.e. I'm not going to watch any seriously, as that is an idication of a bullshitter, no need to waste my time. From the look/sound of him of what little I watched, I don't like him...

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