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WHS: Home/projects in Ukraine: Come visit! If you are lucky, you will see a rocket or drone! ;-)

My journey to do what I had been wanting to do for years, started finally after years of house renovations and then the sale of my house in June 2022, with a trip to Ukraine to buy a house and start a business. Update: 2024-9-7: I decided in July 2024 to buy the house close to Kremenchuk that I visited in 2023... This house is going to be the base from where I will be working on new ideas and for finishing the projects that were going on or were already being planned.

You can read all about what happened on my travels on my pages with travel experiences, especially UA 2022, UA 2023 and UA 2024. See for more background inormation the rest of my travel pages.

Festivities: My plan was in December 2024 but it will likely be in February 2025

I will organise a few days for people who made suggestions, with whom I talked a lot and gave input on where to buy a house and other topics, from Kiev, Kremenchuk and other places. Anyone who reads this with whom I had talks (especially if I showed my website you will remember), then send me a message if you are interested in visiting. I will prepare some Dutch food ('boerenkool met worst', possibly 'erwtensoep', 'zure kool met worst') and other food that is common in the Netherlands. There will be the possibility to stay the night in say the guesthouse. I originally wanted to organise this fest in December but due to delays getting everything finished to transport my stuff from NL to UA and other matters, I think it will become February, perhaps even a bit later... It will possibly be on 2 Saturdays...

Update Feb. 2025: a small gathering first in February but the main one(s) will be probably in April due to all the delays.

Projects, some will be finished in Ukraine, others will be started here

The house

The house that I bought lies at about 11 km from Kremenchuk. This is a good distance for being close enough to get there quickly (30 minutes by bicycle at a moderate pace) and far away enough to have a huge garden, a forest on 1 side, a small lake on another side. This gives space to do a lot of things such as to have work space for building prototypes for ideas, but also something I had been thinking about since a few years: bicycle tourism in Ukraine. Give tourists a place to stay with their tent, or in small houses to be built (say 4x6 metres inside), or I could start to let the bath house that is included with the house.

For myself what is cool is that the garden is so big that I can do discus throwing there :) I have several discuses in the Netherlands, and I bought 2 here too. I saw cool single piece aluminium discusses on offer, from soviet times apparently. They will be good for winter throwing. I destroyed a steel/wood discus once throwing on frozen ground...

February 2025, view from the bath house:

September 2023: House/garden, view from the 2nd storey of the bath house:

The house:

Garden (neighbour's house ca. 100m away):

Outdoor eating facility under the trees:


Bath house with sauna, to the left a small lake:

Sept. 2023:

Bath house/sauna inside:

Small lake:

Underground storage for say fruits plus a place for a dog, but I don't like dogs barking, and I don''t like animals caged. So, to defend the house I may get an attack cat :)


Copyright W.H.Scholten, 2024-2025. To contact me you can email or send a message via telegram/viber (via phone +31648816383), or via (, which I don't really use but I will get notified of messages from there).

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