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WHS: Projects, to be developed/finished in Ukraine, near Kremenchuk

Note: To email me see the links on the top and bottom of this page...

I will start with a list of interests, then what I'm doing that may be related to those interests in projects and coming projects:

2024-9-7: The base for finishing projects and for pursuing new ideas is going to be a house close to Kremenchuk (This city lies in the centre of Ukraine, on the Dnipro river):
house in UA close to Kremenchuk

Start of pursuing ideas and finding a new house in UA, June 2022

I started looking for places in UA to start a business and to buy a house in July 2022, and thinking about which business ideas to pursue, read more on that here.

Projects part 1: Projects on which I was already working/planning before buying a house in Ukraine

All these topics require finding out the truth, about how people think, about what is needed to analyse situations (and ditto on what is needed to analyse devices), and to extract the truth from what people tell you (which is different from what they tell you, and that may be different to what they actually believe even if they tell you their 'real views' (which are not their real views but influenced by how they want to portray themselves to the outside). To interpret what people say, and to know what is needed in analysis is a very important part of life that few people really understand. E.g. the essence of science is general analysis, not measurements!

Projects part 2: Newer ideas, to start soon in Ukraine

The things I have been interested in most of all are bicycle lighting and saddles. These are the 2 most important parts of cycling, saddles for riding at any time, lighting for riding at night. Handlebars, racks, bags, tyres, fenders, and so on, are far lower on the list of priorities.

In the case of leather saddles there are enough good choices esp. with Gilles Berthoud and Selle Anatomica making saddles with a good frame so that the entire saddle can be rebuilt. Berthoud makes saddles that are likely useful for slower touring without going to 21 cm wide saddles (the Brooks B67), namely the Vars which is 18 cm wide, just a little wider than the B17. The Berthoud saddles can be bought with or modified with cutout just as Brooks saddles, so that should take of the most important requirements in leather saddles. This means in saddles there is not that much to improve, though, there is one thing I am thinking of...

In lighting there is a lot to improve, but there are some complications I had to deal with and so there are other projects that I may do first.

Projects part 3: bike-tourism in Ukraine and possibly creating furniture

Besides the above projects, I am thinking about bicycle tourism and after talks in Kremenchuk, creating high quality furniture:

Other ideas I may follow up on are:


Copyright W.H.Scholten, 2011-2025. To contact me you can email or send a message via telegram/viber (via phone +31648816383), or via (, which I don't really use but I will get notified of messages from there).

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