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WHS: Projects, to be developed/finished in Ukraine, near Kremenchuk
Note: To email me see the links on the top and bottom of this page...
I will start with a list of interests, then what I'm doing that may be related to those interests in projects and coming projects:
- Computer programming, old computer games. I use FreeBSD on my PCs.
- Physics
- Bicycling
- Countering manipulation, which resulted in examining human behaviour and esp. people with an anti-social personality which I encountered a lot in programming and in areas such as airport Schiphol, which later led me to analyse how everything works, also because psychologists and sociologists are incompetent. Every psychologist and sociologist whom I ever met or talked to on the phone, interacted with on youtube or via email, or analysed via reading a book or watching a video that that person wrote resp. made, etc. is incompetent. There is a reason for this: Do you know why psychologists go study psychology? Ask them! This is already a large part of the explanation... As part of countering manipulation I analyse cults and cult leaders. What should happen: Anti-social people should be disallowed from being in any position of power! See my project/books below and my criticism page.
- Understanding life. See my project/books below and my criticism page.
- Ukraine: I never felt at home in the Netherlands. Of the countries that I visited I only liked it in the UK and in Ukraine, and because Ukraine is an interesting country, more so than the UK which is in culturally self-destruct mode worse than other countries in western Europe, I decided to move to Ukraine. For more on Ukraine, my experiences there and why I feel at home there, see my travel experiences.
2024-9-7: The base for finishing projects and for pursuing new ideas is going to be a house close to Kremenchuk (This city lies in the centre of Ukraine, on the Dnipro river):

Start of pursuing ideas and finding a new house in UA, June 2022
I started looking for places in UA to start a business and to buy a house in July 2022, and thinking about which business ideas to pursue, read more on that here.
Projects part 1: Projects on which I was already working/planning before buying a house in Ukraine
- Bicycle lighting, some development work, analysis of the rules and more. See WHS' bicycle stuff: component reviews & more
- Writing: Book 1: This is about life, philosophy, humour and the different behaviour and interests of men and women, which can be explained largely by some simple axioms on the different thinking of men and women.
[ Delayed due to expansion of the analysis (and due to sale of my house in NL and searching a house and starting a business in Ukraine) ]
A big part of it is forms of humour, and what I encountered in very unusual humour. I experienced such humour almost exclusively in women by the way, and it looks to be coupled to a certain aspect in personality. In NL this humour is very rare, in Ukraine I encountered it far more often. I also deal with where you can find wisdom of life, how to really understand women as a men (which is hard), and how to understand men as a woman (which is a lot easier!) and many other topics. I've given some examples of humour and of psychological analysis on my criticism page (where I show stupidity in society and analyse some anti-social people), and on my VK Page (, and on my travel pages I link to some more issues that I came across with people I talked to, with whom I got aquainted on my travels. See WHS: Travelling.
- Writing: Book 2, a psychological analysis of manipulation (made worse by removal of search results from search engines by people requesting certain results are removed, which is made possible by an insane EU law and is abused by people who do stupid or criminal things and don't want searches to show this) and how to prevent it, about psychopaths, about the truth, about the ineptitude of psychologists and what this has caused
[ Also delayed, because of expansion into more topics that are all connected ]
I give an example analysis of several well known books to illustrate that psychologists don't really understand people, I show how to analyse people, how to deal with various situations, and how to know what is the truth (what is real and what is made up?), how to correctly argue (which goes against what is taught in courses on 'proper arguing' as simple logic does NOT apply to standard human reasoning (doing so simply illustrates that those people do not understand the facts, nor context and much more), and many other topics.
- Writing: Book 3: An analysis of the problems in current western society
A big topic has grown from the biggest problems in the media and politics the last few years since 2017. though it had been going on smaller scale long ago already and from their origins these problems were clearly coming due to the structure of western society. In any case, these problems are getting bigger and bigger and this meant that I split this section off from book 2 into book 3.
All these topics require finding out the truth, about how people think, about what is needed to analyse situations (and ditto on what is needed to analyse devices), and to extract the truth from what people tell you (which is different from what they tell you, and that may be different to what they actually believe even if they tell you their 'real views' (which are not their real views but influenced by how they want to portray themselves to the outside). To interpret what people say, and to know what is needed in analysis is a very important part of life that few people really understand. E.g. the essence of science is general analysis, not measurements!
Projects part 2: Newer ideas, to start soon in Ukraine

The things I have been interested in most of all are bicycle lighting and saddles. These are the 2 most important parts of cycling, saddles for riding at any time, lighting for riding at night. Handlebars, racks, bags, tyres, fenders, and so on, are far lower on the list of priorities.
In the case of leather saddles there are enough good choices esp. with Gilles Berthoud and Selle Anatomica making saddles with a good frame so that the entire saddle can be rebuilt. Berthoud makes saddles that are likely useful for slower touring without going to 21 cm wide saddles (the Brooks B67), namely the Vars which is 18 cm wide, just a little wider than the B17. The Berthoud saddles can be bought with or modified with cutout just as Brooks saddles, so that should take of the most important requirements in leather saddles. This means in saddles there is not that much to improve, though, there is one thing I am thinking of...
In lighting there is a lot to improve, but there are some complications I had to deal with and so there are other projects that I may do first.
- Promote cycling with art: This project will likely be ready first and will be based around art from someone I know since a few years. We came up with some interesting ideas in 2023, of which a little bit of inspiration for some of them came from a picture that promoted cycling in NL/Amsterdam that I found in my family's 'archive'.
- Create/produce a different type of rear racks with panniers: I've had this idea of better racks/panniers since about 2008-2009. Now I have the means and time to implement it and I will describe it when I get the prototypes ready.
- Create/produce a different type of bike trailer: This should be simpler and more useful than others for the most common tasks for which you want to use a bike trailer, especially transporting groceries in addition to or instead of using panniers, but which you could use up to larger tasks such as transporting big boxes for a local house move.
- Bicycle lighting: Scope and design to be decided.
Projects part 3: bike-tourism in Ukraine and possibly creating furniture
Besides the above projects, I am thinking about bicycle tourism and after talks in Kremenchuk, creating high quality furniture:
My idea for velo-tourism/eco-tourism is:
- provide a base from where you can go to places for relaxation or sightseeing/interesting places, for:
- 1) short bicycle trips, say up to 40 km away which means a day trip of 100 km),
- 2) long bicycle trips such as to Poltava (2 days because of more than 100km and hills, so a stop on the way, with 1 or 2 days in Poltava then back or continuing to another city,
- 3) day trips or several day trips to cities ca. 140km or farther away using the train or marshrutka (mini bus)
- provide route information to various interesting spots for relaxation or sightseeing
- provide tours to interesting spots, museums, i.e. with a guide at those spots.
- work with hotels in other cities for 2-3 day trips (using train or marshrutka/mini bus) and cooperate with people in that city to then take you to interesting spots, museums. Example: To Poltava, Cherkassy, Kharkov.
- providing tourists with Ukrainian food, and perhaps also give a choice of some tasty Dutch food... I am looking for cooperations with people that are making healthy food and natural fruit juice. In Lviv in a bicycle shop I got talking to a guy whose relative made apple juice and it tasted far better than what you can buy in shops, that could be one of the offerings...
- provide bicycles and perhaps electric bicycles for touring, for people who do not want to transport their own bicycles which is often a hassle, but if you want to bring your own bicycle I will give a good option to get it to here, and back when you leave.
If you are interested and the war situation (relatively far away) doesn't scare you, send me an email and you can experience fantastic times and adventures here...
Other ideas I may follow up on are:
- Putting more time into making long bicycle trips and then photographing/videoing all interesting bus stops and other buildings with mosaics. There is a large variety of bus stops and in particular of bus stops with mosaics, which all so far seem to have different designs. These are folk art from soviet times and not propaganda as I saw in a video on youtube about 'weird and wonderful' soviet era bus stops in Russia. The designs that I have seen are all abstract or about nature. Is there more interest in this? I'm thinking of say go-fund-me to be able to spend more time on documenting these if there is interest in that. Further, if there is interest, what about donations to pay restorers to restore these bus stops to their former glory? I will soon upload pictures and more videos on my youtube channel.
Page with pictures and videos of the bus stops that I encountered to come here...
- Creating high quality furniture, especially minimalistic but ergonomic chairs, couches, beds of high quality construction from acacia, oak, beech, aspen and where useful in pine, to my design and possibly custom, so contact me if you have a design that you want to see created in those or other woods. Our (see below) plan is to send the furniture in a package to be assembled by the buyer with screws (or bolts and insert nuts into wood), as simple to put together as as Ikea furniture but using only solid wood, no hardboard and no chipboard, I hate those, they are unacceptable for me in any construction. This also makes moving much easier as it can be taken apart again easily. For this I will cooperate with the seller of the house, who has all the machines (planing, sanding etc.) to create very high quality furniture from raw wood.
Here are some examples of parquet and porch floor boards, all made in house from raw wood:

I will add a picture of an example of furniture later.
I am thinking of a showroom of some sort in the Netherlands for those who want to see what the furniture is like in person
Copyright W.H.Scholten, 2011-2025. To contact me you can email or send a message via telegram/viber (via phone +31648816383), or via (, which I don't really use but I will get notified of messages from there).
I don't use: facebook, linkedin, twitter.
Last modified: 2025-3-3