Email 2014-3-22 from indoctrinated woman from Yalta (Crimea, Ukraine)

I talked and emailed to a lot of people in Ukraine, mostly women. Women are generally more interesting to talk to, men are (usually) boring simplistic thinkers. This woman was in some way interesting though I didn't really like her way of thinking/discussing, she was clearly too harsh, unfriendly, unwilling to think about other views being correct or better and possibly change her own views. She had been searching for how to live life, eventually settled on Christianity but she was absolutely not christian in her thinking. She is as so many 'idealistic' people are, fake idealistic/altruistic and anti-social. See for example:

So often the people who are supposedly trying to do some good, and who have certain ideals, are actually the worst people: manipulative, anti-social, destructive, idiots.

The woman below, of whom I analyse the second to last email to me, is similar in being anti-social while supposedly looking for God, Jesus, meaning in life, etc.

Her style of writing seems strange here and there, in particular pompous which is perhaps from her personality and/or from looking up words in the dictionary. She mentioned in a previous email that she didn't write/talk much in English even though she told me a year earlier that "by the way my diploma says that I am a teacher of English and Ukrainian languages and literature. But I teach noone at the moment", and so she had to practice I suppose, perhaps look up words and then more importantly to choose which words may be suitable, which meant likely because of her personality choosing words that are out of place in the correspondence.


Here is her message from 2014-3-22:

Subject: the same point

Hi Wouter,

Looks like Crimea made a noise in the world :) really pleasant to know :) But jokes aside. [ A lie, she did not joke ]

I don't know what have you heard. I can tell you what I know and saw by myself. [ Most people tell things that they believe to be true, not which are actually true, they fool themselves, they hear things and take them for truth, they are influenced by what others tell them etc. and they are usually not self-aware enough to make sure that any statements they make are actual facts rather than beliefs, So this statement of telling what she 'knows' and saw herself is a-priori almost certaintly not true, and in fact from some things she writes it is clear that this is definitely not true. ]

After the Crimea was gifted as a grab-bag to Ukraine in 1954 people didn't feel much difference because we have been living in one country.[ not one country, a union of countries that have separate populations and customs ].

But after Ukraine become independent 23 years ago we felt what does it mean to be 'ukrainian'. You know Crimea have always been international perl. [ delusion of grandeur, or just boasting while at the same time preparing to denigrate Ukraine, see further on for the negative comments for which this may have been meant namely to state how great you/your region are and then how you were held back by the Ukrainians, or it may be some form of narcissism ]

Frankly speaking you can here [ she means: 'hear' ] English here more often than ukrainian. [ I won't take her word for that. My experiences: 1. In 2013 I only heard 1 person in the guesthouse Sofia in Sevastopol where I stayed, talk in German to a friend from Germany who visited Ukraine. From there I made day trips and didn't hear English at all in Sevastopol, Simferopol, Alupka, Alushta, etc. 2. In 2014 I was in Simferopol mostly, then a day trip to Yalta and a few other places but only briefly there. In Simferopol I didn't hear anyone speak English, though perhaps some were speaking English as I saw some Hare Krishna people, they were possibly not all Russian/Ukrainian, just like I saw 2 Hare Krishna guys in the bus to Cherkassy, in 2016 I think it was. One of them was some sort of 'religious leader' not from Ukraine, the other was local and talking to him in English, talking about issues such as corruption ]

For 23 years we our memory didn't give us signals that we are Russian (despite the fact that 99% speaks and think in Russian here). But after western ua has revealed their Nazi nature, after they proclaimed bandera a hero, [ bandera fought the Soviet oppressors and the nazis. The extremely simplistic Russian propaganda turns that into 'Bandera was a nazi' which is a complete lie. I think this Russian lie has been circulating for ages before the Russian takeover of Crimea in 2014, but that is just an estimate, and some people quickly get indoctrinated so maybe looking at time for indoctrination is not enough and so then this may have started not long before 2014. But not all people are indoctrinated as quickly as the guy I met in Kharkov in 2016 who later moved to Russia, so on the other hand it is most likely that dissatisfaction in Russia and looking for other people or countries to blame (anti-social people always look outside for causes for problems, they never think about what they could change themselves) caused these lies, so this could have started not long after 1991. It may have started even before 1991 but from external factors I think it is most likely afterwards. ] after they called people who won Hitler russian bastards [ This is a lie, some people did that but they were some american military people during/after WW2, not Ukrainians, there is a lot of similarity and inter-marrying of Ukrainians and Russians so this claim is I think just bogus. ], and those who were shooting in the backs of my grandfather to be heros, after they declare on-line that they will be hanging all russian speaking inhabitant who are not going to admit them "authorities" [ whatevever, these are almost certainly russian lies ] the discontent of russians boiled over.

I saw those happy faces during the voting. I saw people laughting and kissing in the streets. [ Sure, of those who wanted to be with Russia, but those who wanted to be with Ukraine got forced out, were intimidated etc. Get the F out of here with your 'reality' a.k.a. lies! ]

It was the 1st time for last 23 years I saw (and feel) such a joy and happiness of people realizing at last WHO are they as a nation. [ Ah, yes she and the Russian indoctrinators telling lies forgot about the Tatars who got mostly deported by Stalin and they are more the original inhabitants of Crimea, not 'Russians'! ]

I don't mention economy [ aha, but actually she does mention it! ]- it goes without saying. [ It doesn't go without saying. There was very little difference economically between Russia and Ukraine at the time, only slightly higher wages in Russia as they had large income from oil and gas, which has an influence even though the oligarchs including putin kept most of the money from state resources for themselves. ]

So called ua destroyed Crimea, they turned a All-Union rezort into shabby country-side. They turned the whole ukraine (Sit tibi terra levis) - the granary of the former Soviet union - into a begger who asks money to buy bread. [ all lies ]

Ridiculous. We have been living in circuis named ukraine, without being dare to dream about going back home to Russia. [ You could go to Russia, move there. You can't just take the land and all resources because that influences the country you leave in all sorts of ways including economically, this is why what happened is NOT in accordance with international law, and no country would just accept a part splitting off. ]

And here it goes... some people (let's call them people on default [ Yes, let's call them people because they are not people is what she is saying, this shows she is absolutely anti-social! ]) being paid desided to seize the reins, to make an Orange terror. [ absolute nonsense, lies from russian indoctrination ] They are lucky enough and what is going on in ukraine is a total hell, [ BULLSHIT! ] and it is going to be much worse. [ It did get worse but only because of the psychopath putin. ]

The only one thing they didn't expect that there are russian people in Crimea who didn't forget totally WW2 and Hitler. Thanks to Putin he didn't throw us under the bus. [ Ha ha ha ha ha, putin is the worst psychopath I've seen since Hitler and Stalin, he cares nothing about you, he has thrown hundreds of thousands of Russians under the bus who are now all dead, and many more hundreds of thousands who are invalids! ]

That was miracle we didn't expect. He did nothing but just enforced his army here a little bit (within all agreements made with ua before). [ Complete and utter bullshit! ]

But those dastardly villainous false to the core mutts [ these types of bullshit comments show how anti-social she is, I should have broken off contact with her long before, but in any case I suppose it lead to some interesting emails to analyse ] try to prove that white is black and sometimes they are lucky.

But that is the end of ukraine. Ua had never been a country. [ Ukraine was a country before Russia existed, you nut! ]

It is a set of West (which dream about Europe and your money to feed them, because they produce NO thing so Crimea and East of ua were feeding them) [ Mid/Western Ukraine produced and still produces almost all the grain in Ukraine, not Crimea, so this is bullshit. ] and East (which produces everything for sale and feed and who craves for Russia).

Saddly by now the East is strangulated and have to stay within that piece of ...t. But I believe that is not for long time. The example of Crimea has shown that millions of people don't have to stay slaves of several people who thinks they are gods. [ This is just complete insanity ]

The only one rezult of ua independence in Crimea is that Crimeans (those peaceful and welcoming everyone Crimeans) [ Sure, peaceful and welcoming and quite a few were forcing everyone to vote to be with Russia or to leave Crimea ] appear to hate everything that reminds them ua... those yellow and blue colors... ua language. It is incredible but in a jiff everything that belonged to ua turned into "they" "their" "them". Everything that concerns ua calls idiosynkrasis here. Because being the part of ukraine means for us (Crimeans and East of ua) being a part of a bull...t. I was and am really happy with joy after that happened. Those bandits were crying in their "maydan" "who are still dream of speaking russian and have russian culture, take your suitcases, go to the station and go while the going's good to your Russia!". That is exactly what 96% of crimeans did :))))) [ bla bla bla bla, all nonsense... ]

Home! Sweet home!

(as for the rest will answer later in the evening)

This later email that she mentioned is about religion, the old testament which I consider not of any value besides historical, but she disagrees, and that is logical because she absolutely doesn't understand the essential difference in attitude in pre-Christ and Christ.

I never wrote to her again, I wasn't interested in ever hearing anything from her ever again after this disgusting display of anti-social behaviour, lies, nonsense and what I felt as lies to me about herself, because when I told her in earlier messages (we had contact for more than a year) what I liked about Ukraine she never disagreed about any of the points that I felt were positive nor told me anything of her criticism about Ukraine, not until this email after the Russian takeover of Crimea. It is interesting perhaps that she only showed her real personality in such a situation. Normally stress or removal of inhibitions such as being drunk shows the real personality, but in this case it was caused by getting into a situation that she liked. Perhaps she didn't dare tell me her real views before as that would be too negative and she realised that I would be disinterested in any contact, but now it all came out at this time, she just couldn't restrain herself...

Possible addition of someone else I knew about this topic

I may add something from another woman I knew from Crimea, who also wanted to be with Russia, but who behaved quite differently. She told me a lot of interesting stories about the problems in Ukraine at the time. Unfortunately I lost contact with her as her phone numbers were no longer working after the Russian take over, and she didn't have her own internet access/email at the time.

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