email | Criticism/analysis of society | Travelling | Projects | Bicycling


See also my Youtube channel: critical analysis of events/situations and the people responsible for them
I discuss there Bhagwan, and Rabobank's vanity building in Roelofarendsveen...

Coming soon:
- Stupidity in Alphen a.d. Rijn, the city hall that cost 32 million euros up to 2014, including the renovation from 2013 (,verbouw-gemeentehuis-alphen-loopt-in-miljoenen.html), a design by a moron, architect "van Egeraat", including 'his' idea of a different way of making a street where pedestrians and cyclists and the occasional bus battle it out for where to ride. In reality that is just going back to chaos, i.e. his 'idea' was not a new idea. Also this city hall with all glass exterior can't be kept at constant reasonable temperatures, there is a big open area of several floors high that means heat goes up which worsens this problem, not having sidewalks means one corner in paticular is very dangerous as you tend to ride towards it on the bike, not seeing what comes around it (which can be cyclist or a bus) which was recently, ca. Aug. 2018, finally improved by putting big pots with flowers at the corner, and finally the glass cleaning bill is 50,000 euro per year...
- Stupidity in bicycling: Moeve in how they promote their variable length crank. Actually a design by someone else but they made a production bike out of it. It has a varying length crank which can be useful, but the problem is their behaviour and their claims of what it does, and thus of what it can do...

The latest criticism:

Older topics (some in Dutch, some in English, some in both languages)

  1. [ EN ] The problems in discussing things on forums, that are often caused by people who don't understand other people, and don't care about other people. They reason illogically, make inappropriate comments, etc. To deal with that you need to know about it first, then you understand and you can decide how to reply or to ignore. See Discussions on forums and newsgroups: What's the point?

  2. [ NL + EN ] Kritisch, maar ook humoristisch: email over soap series.

  3. [ NL ] Kleuternederlands, je hoort het steeds meer!

  4. [ NL + EN ] Boeken, ah ja, wat ik daar tegen ben gekomen...

  5. [ NL ] Neckermann, willen geen oude apparaten meenemen (waar je wel voor betaalt!) , dit met kulredenaties en leugens die niet onder doen voor de hufterigheid die ik bij Schiphol ben tegengekomen

  6. [ NL ] Amateuristische bank mannetjes bij Rabobank & Florius (Bouwfounds) Echt onvoorstelbare incompetentie en hufterigheid. Dat de banken verantwoordelijk zijn voor de financiele 'crisis', daar verbaas ik me niet over na deze ervaringen.

  7. [ NL ] Oplichters: Hoe marktplaats en de ING ze helpen, geholpen door de incompetentie en niet-actie van de politie.

  8. [ NL ] Problemen van grotere orde: Kritiek op Israel: Een onbeschaafd land met een mentaliteit van voor Christus.

  9. [ NL ] Welkom in de bananenrepubliek der Nederlanden!

    Schiphol oftewel Shithol een verslag over ongebreideld amateurisme en hufterigheid.

    U betreedt hier een magische wereld vol intellectuele dwergen, demente apen en dwangmatige leugenaars.

    Welcome to the banana-republic of the Netherlands!

    English translation of key parts of the above experiences related to Schiphol will come: Antisocial aircraft industry nutters exposed... Shows how the people who claim Schiphol is important are liars and sociopaths/psychopaths. Also shows how institutes like NLR who do aircraft noise calculations don't know what they're talking about. This isn't just happening in some isolated part of society btw., it's happening everywhere with antisocial nutters being part of the boards of companies and universities for example. These same nutters give other nutters (their friends) positions and appointments such as professor for some bogus course. These pervert the universities and do much more harm to society than any terrorist by their antisocial actions and (moronic) reasoning, causing average people to think this is 'normal'. Another part of the problem is the media who have no analytical capability whatsoever and are in fact just advertising the opinions of these nutters in many articles. And then there are the politicians, discounting the 'antisocial bastards party' VVD, politicians such as Balkenende are really really stupid on the one hand, lying and manipulating on the other. What they especially like to do is blame people for the current state of society by saying people are too interested in their own affairs, and not caring about others (as if that's much different from 20 years ago), then using this unproven hogwash to play out their own ideas and changes. They won't get too much opposition this way. This is apparantly a well known tactic in politics: Blame other people of something they're not doing, then do whatever you want as those you accused are too busy defending themselves against the accusations or dare not oppose for fear of further similar criticisms (however untrue they are).

    Schiphol is an example of all this, and of unbridled amateurism and stupidity. If it weren't so sad, I'd be laughing my head off...

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